Social media and Adolescents

Social Media & Adolescents

The rise in social media has influenced the present generation more than any that came before it. Social media has benefits but it also has many downfalls. Adolescents are usually naive to the dangers that they can find themselves in. Cyber bulling seems to always be an issue since the bully can "hide behind the screen" without having to see the person they are hurting. Sexual content is also a big issue whether it be consensual or not. Adolescents do not understand the consequences they may face with these actions. Lastly, many adolescents allow their location to be turned on because they do not understand that someone other than their friends might be monitoring them. These negatives can put your child in danger of mental issues and so much more. We encourage parents to closely monitor their child's social media. However, that does not always stop issues from arising.

Community Violence

Protection Online

Social media and the internet can be a scary place for parents. It has also been linked to mental health concerns in adolescents. What can you do to help monitor your child and make sure they are being as safe as possible online? Here are a few steps you can take as a parent. Set ground rules for your child, letting them what websites and apps you approve of. Ask them to show you the apps and what you do on them. Make sure they know how to respond to someone who is asking inappropriate questions or asking them to send pictures. Let your child know that you are always available to help them and do not take the internet away if they make a mistake. Instead, talk with them and help them understand what they did and how to avoid being in a similar situation in the future.

Anxiety in adolescents


As you can imagine, social media is a huge influence on adolescents. During this time, adolescents are easily influenced and strive to fit in. This can cause pre-teens and teens to gravitate towards social media as a way to connect with their peers and feel connected to the world around them. However, this can also threaten their mental health especially if they are left unmonitored. It is important that parents take an active role in overseeing and managing their child's social media. Even when parents are involved, adolescents can suffer from depression and anxiety.