Emotional pain


Mindfulness can be a great tool to improve your mental health. It helps you focus on decompressing and relaxing. This is something that everyone can do because it does not take anything extra or training to implement it. You simply need to set time aside to sit and observe the moment without judgement. It can be a great tool when you are feeling anxious, overwhelmed or stressed.

What You do

Sometimes we struggle to manage our relationships, work/school and personal time. Many people often feel guilt for things they should not. This list includes some of those things. I know I am have struggled with many of these but it is important to remember that these things are ok!

Self Care Counseling

Self Care

We all have bad days. On these days, our mood changes and others may not want to be around us which feeds into our bad mood. So how can we take a bad day and decompress? We have listed some tips and tricks that can help lift your mood and make a bad day more bearable. We will all have bad days or days that we don't love. That is ok! We need the bad days so we are reminded of how good the good days are.

Good for the Soul

What makes you happy? What feeds your soul and makes you feel at peace? Whatever it is, do that! If we do the things we love, we are better able to handle the things that we don't.


Use some time to calm yourself and help relieve stress with these easy and quick skills. Taking care of yourself doesn’t have to be complicated, expensive or time consuming.

Our Mental Health

When trying to live a happy, healthy life there are some steps you can take to make sure you live your best life. In many cases doing things for others can make us feel good about ourselves and the world around us. We also have to remember that there are some things in our world that cannot be controlled by us or anyone else. Lastly, do what is right for you and your life. It's okay to say no, ask for help or take the time you need to be at your best.

Things You Don't Need

We tend to focus on the things we need to accomplish, but rarely think of things we do NOT need to do. It is easy to get stuck in a place where we feel like we have to be everything for everyone. When we live our lives for our partner, children, families and friends it can be easy to let ourselves slip away. Don't forget that it is okay not to dwell on the past, keep everyone happy or ignore/compromise yourself for others.

Brain development to autism

Mindful Habits

Mindfulness is a wonderful skill to incorporate into your day. It does not take a lot of time to do and it can benefit your mental health in many ways. A few tips are to focus on the positive things in your life, to take time and listen to yourself. It is also a great reminder that you are able to set boundaries with the people in your life and also that it is okay to say no to the people in your life. You should be making decisions to keep yourself happy and healthy. If something it your life does not contribute to that, you can let it go.


It is easy to overlook the good in our lives, get sucked into the fake reality of social media or allow our negative thoughts to take over. Instead, we should try to focus on all the positive things happening in our lives and remember that we can always make our world better.

Protect Yourself

What or who is worth your time and energy? We spend a lot of our energy wasted on other people. People we don't know, people we don't like , people we have not met before. Instead of giving other people our energy, we need to be more selective on who or what we spend our energy on. Protect it so you can preserve your mental health and happiness.